captcha github


As of my last update in September 2021, GitHub does not officially provide CAPTCHA (Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart) directly as part of its service. However, many GitHub users have implemented CAPTCHA solutions in their repositories or projects to prevent abuse or spam.

If you are looking to add CAPTCHA to your GitHub project or repository, you can explore third-party CAPTCHA solutions or services that integrate well with web applications. Some popular CAPTCHA providers include Google reCAPTCHA and hCaptcha. These services offer easy-to-implement CAPTCHA solutions that can be integrated into your GitHub project.

To add Google reCAPTCHA or hCaptcha to your GitHub project, follow these general steps:

1. Sign up for an account on the respective CAPTCHA provider's website (Google reCAPTCHA or hCaptcha).

2. Create a new site (also known as a "project" or "site key") with the CAPTCHA provider, which will generate the necessary API keys required for integration.

3. Obtain the API keys (site key and secret key) from the CAPTCHA provider.

4. In your GitHub repository, modify the relevant web pages or forms where you want to add the CAPTCHA challenge.

5. Include the CAPTCHA script provided by the CAPTCHA provider in your HTML pages. The script will render the CAPTCHA widget on your web page.

6. Configure the CAPTCHA settings to suit your needs, such as the difficulty level or appearance of the CAPTCHA challenge.

7. Implement server-side verification to validate the CAPTCHA response sent by the user after they solve the CAPTCHA challenge. This ensures that your web application only processes requests from legitimate users.

Please note that the specific implementation steps may vary depending on the CAPTCHA provider and your web application's programming language and framework. Ensure you thoroughly read the documentation and guidelines provided by the CAPTCHA provider to integrate it correctly.

Keep in mind that adding CAPTCHA can be an effective measure to prevent automated attacks and spam, but it may also present accessibility challenges for some users. Consider offering alternative methods for users who may have difficulty solving CAPTCHA challenges, such as an option for email verification or support for other accessibility features.